What Does Happiness Mean To You?

Soulfully Happy

Happiness I believe is experienced differently in every path you cross in your life. And it is experienced differently among others. You can ask your best friend, coworker, parent or teacher. I assure you, your peers and family members will give you various answers. That is nothing to feel discouraged about, it is pretty simple, we have to understand that this world is not being walked upon by only our feet. There are a bit over 7 billion people on planet Earth, maybe a few people experience similar paths as us. We can look towards others for inspiration but as long as we do not feel interest in specific areas of our life we might never feel lifted and optimistic.

There were many times in my few years living, what, I am about 24, at the moment and so far life shown me many ups and downs. If I let the downs define how far I have come, of course, I would not feel happy, you know if you read between the lines you might understand what I am trying to explain. All the glory of life is about, taking everything that is in your path with an open heart. Then, maybe the conflicts, melancholy, bad days, and good days would be good experiences to look back on, in the future when we might have found our happiness.

Who knows? Your soul, maybe! 🙂

Growing up, I was happy seeing and making others around me happy but, that did not last for long. It was a gradual build up, where I had experienced depression. Then, I realized, does making others around happy really make me feel that way as well? No, not really. That was just my helping-hand, helping others in need. I got to say, it does feel nice helping people.

Here are a few things about life that I love, enjoy, that deep down make me feel truly happy:

  • Doing things that soothe my mind
    • creating art, journaling, knitting, organizing
  • Learning a new skill that fascinates me
    • from school, work, workshops, projects, research
  • Listening to music
    • all genres
  • Reading a book that takes me on a journey
    • i should create a world reading list
  • Immersing myself in the beauty of nature
  • The smell and sound of rain and wind in the air
  • Falling asleep to the sound of nature

You just have to enjoy the simple things in life.

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